Welcome to the Indiana Health Sciences Librarians Association website.
Please see the links below for navigation.
IHSLA Officers

President: Jason Lilly
IU Health Medical Library, Indianapolis
Vice President: Laura Menard
Ruth Lilly Medical Library, Indianapolis
Secretary: Brenna Tuite
Franciscan Health, Lafayette
Treasurer: Shannon Johnson
Walter E. Helmke Library, Fort Wayne
Past President: Julie Wood
Franciscan Health, Indianapolis
Greater Midwest Region (GMR), National Network/Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM) Representative: Elizabeth Wright,
Community Health, Indianapolis
IHSLA Appointments/Committees
Webmaster: Jason Lilly
IU Health Medical Library, Indianapolis
Membership Committee: Shannon Johnson
Walter E. Helmke Library, Fort Wayne
IHSLA Representative to the INSPIRE Advisory Board: Elaine Skopelja
Indiana Hand to Shoulder Center, Indianapolis