Welcome to the Indiana Health Sciences Librarians Association website.
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IHSLA Bylaws
Adopted: May 14, 1981, Evansville, IN
Revised and Adopted: April 23, 1982, West Lafayette, IN
Revised and Adopted: April 20, 1984, Indianapolis, IN
Revised and Adopted: April 22, 1988, Lafayette, IN
Revised and Adopted: April 7, 1994, Indianapolis, IN
Revised and Adopted: April 6, 1995, Terre Haute, IN
Revised and Adopted: April 16, 1999, Greencastle, IN
Revised and Adopted: April 28, 2006, Muncie, IN
ARTICLE II. Affiliation
ARTICLE IV. Membership
Section 1 Eligibility
Section 2 Requirements
Section 3 Dues
Section 4 Privileges
ARTICLE V. Officers
Section 1 Designation
Section 2 Term of Office
3.1 Duties
3.2 President
3.3 President-Elect
3.4 Secretary
3.5 Treasurer
ARTICLE VI. Nomination and Election
Section 1 Nomination
Section 2 Election
Section 1 Number of Meetings
Section 2 Notice
Section 3 Location
Section 4 Quorum
Section 5 Order of Business
Section 6 Financial Assistance
Section 7 Profit/Loss
Section 8 Stipends
ARTICLE VIII. Executive Board
Section 1 Members
Section 2 Duties
Section 3 Meetings
Section 4 Quorum
ARTICLE IX. Committees
1.1 Standing Committees
1.2 Membership Committee
1.3 Communications Committee
1.4 Nominating Committee
1.5 Program Committee
Section 2 Special Committees
ARTICLE X. Parliamentary Authority
ARTICLE XI. Amendment of Bylaws
The name of this organization shall be the Indiana Health Science Librarians Association (IHSLA), hereinafter referred to as the Association.
ARTICLE II: Affiliation
The Association shall be affiliated with the Greater Midwest Region, National Network/Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM), also known as Region 3, and hereinafter referred to as GMR. The Association shall also be affiliated with the Indiana Hospital & Health Association.
The mission of the Indiana Health Science Librarians Association is to connect health information providers in Indiana in order to enhance service, networking and professional development. Building upon a tradition of professional excellence, the Indiana Health Science Librarians Association will strive to:
provide value-added access to health information;
promote improvement of community health education;
provide on-going continuing education opportunities for members;
provide a vehicle for affiliation/communication/collaboration with other professional organizations;
and, promote excellence in Health Science librarianship.
ARTICLE IV: Membership
Section 1
Eligibility. Membership in this organization is open to individuals interested in or associated with health science libraries or library-related functions within the state of Indiana.
Section 2
Requirements. Membership shall become effective when dues, accompanied by a membership application or letter of intent, have been received by the Chair of the Membership Committee.
Section 3
3.1 Dues. Dues shall be determined by a majority vote of those present and eligible to vote at the annual business meeting of the Association.
3.2 Dues shall be payable on joining the Association and due thereafter on January 1.
3.3 Dues shall be assessed on an annual basis for the period of one (1) calendar year.
3.4 Dues received after April 30th shall be applied to the following calendar year. A member whose dues are unpaid as of April 1, shall be considered in arrears and shall be ineligible to participate as a voting member in the annual meeting and election of officers.
3.5 Dues received after the annual meeting shall be applied to the following calendar year.
3.6 Any member sho has not renewed his/her membership for a perios of three (3) years will be removed from the Membership Directory and IHSLA Listserv.
Section 4
Privileges. Each member whose dues are paid shall enjoy all the usual privileges of membership including having one vote in the affairs of the organization; and shall be eligible to serve on a committee or to hold office in the Association.
ARTICLE V: Officers
Section 1
Designation. The officers of the Association shall be a President, a President-Elect, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.
Section 2
Term of Office. All officers shall serve for one (1) year with terms beginning at the conclusion of the annual business meeting at which they were elected. Officers may be re-elected for consecutive terms. No officer shall hold more than one office or committee membership concurrently except as provided in these bylaws.
Section 3
3.1 Duties. All officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Association.
3.2 President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association; shall serve as Chair of the Executive Board; shall appoint the Editor of the Association newsletter; shall appoint members of Special Committees; and shall appoint members to fill all vacancies except for the Presidency. All such appointments shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Board. The President will chair the Program Committee of the annual Conference. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all the Standing Committees except the Nominating Committee.
3.3 President-Elect. The President-Elect shall preside over meetings of the Association and/or the Executive Board in the absence of the President; shall succeed immediately to the Presidency should that office become vacant; and shall fill the designated full term to which elected upon completion of the assumed unexpired term. The President-Elect may also chair or be a member of a Special Committee.
3.4 Secretary. The Secretary shall record the minutes of all Association meetings; shall read and/or distribute these minutes as instructed by the Association; shall record the minutes of all Executive Board meetings; shall distribute these minutes to Executive Board members within one month following such meetings; and shall succeed to the Presidency if the President-Elect is unable to fill the unexpired term of the President.
3.5 Treasurer. The Treasurer shall act as Chair of the Membership Committee; shall receive, record, and deposit annual dues; shall sign all checks for deposit and/or payment in the name of the Association; shall maintain all financial records of the Association; and shall present a financial statement at the annual business meeting and at all Executive Board Meetings.
ARTICLE VI: Nomination and Election
Section 1
1.1 Nomination. The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of candidates for Association officers. The slate shall be presented to the Executive Board at their meeting preceding the annual business meeting.
1.2 Nominations may also be made from the floor providing such nominations are submitted in writing to the Chair of the Nominating Committee, and the candidate has agreed to serve if elected.
Section 2
2.1 Election. The election shall be carried out at the duly called annual business meeting of the Association. The membership present shall constitute a quorum. A majority vote shall elect.
2.2 In the event there is more than one candidate per position, voting shall be by written ballot, collected and tallied by the Chair of the Nominating Committee and two other members of the Association appointed by the President.
Section 1
Number of Meetings. There shall be at least one (1) meeting of the Association per year. The annual business meeting shall be held in the Spring. Optionally, the IHSLA Executive Board may decide to hold joint meetings with other professional library or healthcare related organizations (e.g. Medical Library Association, Midwest Chapter/MLA, Indiana Library Federation, Special Library Association, Indiana Health & Hospital Association, Indiana State Medical Association, etc). Joint meetings may be scheduled at anytime. Any joint meetings must be held within the state of Indiana, or states bordering on Indiana.
Section 2
Notice. The membership shall receive notice of business and/or program meetings at least forty-five (45) days before the scheduled meeting date(s).
Section 3
Location. Any library, consortium, institution, or group interested in hosting the annual meeting shall submit a letter of invitation to the President at least one (1) year in advance of the proposed meeting for consideration by the Executive Board.
Section 4
Quorum. The members present at the annual business meeting shall constitute a quorum. A majority of the votes cast shall constitute a final decision unless otherwise stated in these bylaws.
Section 5
Order of Business. The conduct of the business meeting shall follow the prescribed order of business according to parliamentary authority.
Section 6
Financial Assistance. The following shall be available to any group for which the Executive Board has accepted a written invitation to host the annual business meeting:
An outright grant not to exceed $100, plus a loan to be repaid in full, for a total not to exceed $500. The dollar amount shall be determined by the Executive Board, based upon available funds.
These amounts may be requested of the Association Treasurer at any time during the year preceding the meeting for which the Executive Board has confirmed the invitation.
The host group shall present the Executive Board with a financial accounting within six months following the close of the annual meeting. The loan shall be due at this time, and any subsequent gains or losses shall be shared equally by the host group and the Association.
Section 7
Profit/Loss Agreement
If the Program Committee, comprised only of the Association Executive Board, plans the entire meeting, the Association shall retain all (100%) profit. Profit shall be determined by the Program Committee financial report.
If a library, consortium, institution, or group, assisted by the Program Committee Chair, plans the entire meeting the Association and the planning group will share equally (50% to IHSLA; 50% to the planning group) in annual meeting profits. Profit shall be determined by the Program Committee financial report.
If a library, consortium, institution, or group plans local arrangements (lodging, meeting rooms, meals) only, the group shall receive twenty-five percent (25%) of all profit with seventy-five percent (75%) going to the Association. Profit shall be determined by the Program Committee financial report.
Monetary losses associated with the annual meeting will be shared by the Association and any planning group. If the Program Committee, comprised only of the Association Executive Board, plans the entire meeting, the Association shall be responsible for 100% of losses incurred by the annual meeting. If a library consortium, institution, or group, assisted by the Program Committee Chair, plan the entire meeting the Association and the planning group shall each be responsible for 50% of any losses incurred by the annual meeting. If a library, consortium, institution, or group plans local arrangements only, the planning group will be responsible for 25% and the Association will be responsible for 75% of any losses incurred by the annual meeting.
Section 8
Stipends. A Stipend may be awarded each year to any current IHSLA member who wishes to attend our annual April Meeting, has a financial need and completes the application. The application and procedure will be posted on the IHSLA website. This stipend will include full conference registration, two nights lodging and/or one night lodging and mileage reimbursement. Selection of recipients and number of awards will be decided by the Executive Board. Recipient will be notified by the President at least one month prior to the annual April Meeting. Recipient will then contact the Treasurer to make necessary arrangements. All applicants will be notified by the President of final selection. The President will then make the announcement through our listserv.
ARTICLE VIII: Executive Board
Section 1
Members. The officers of the Association, the Immediate Past President of the Association, and the Representative to the GMR Regional Council shall constitute the Executive Board.
Section 2
Duties. The Executive Board shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Association between any duly called meetings; shall make recommendations to the full membership of the Association; shall receive and act upon any invitations to host the annual meeting or any other meeting; shall conduct the annual meeting if no library, consortium, institution, or group volunteers to host the meeting; shall review, for eligibility only, the slate of candidates prepared by the Nominating Committee; and shall perform such other duties as are specified in these bylaws.
The Executive Board shall act as a communication link between itself, its constituents, the GMR Regional Advisory Council (RAC), and the GMR management office. The Executive Board shall also appoint, for a two year term in odd numbered years, a representative, from the IHSLA membership, to the GMR Regional Advisory Council (RAC). Travel to Chicago for annual RAC meetings and participation in RAC committes or programs is expected of the representative.
All Executive Board members should attend the annual meeting of the Association.
Section 3
Meetings. There shall be at least two (2) meetings per year, one (1) preceding the annual meeting of the Association, and one (1) immediately following the annual business meeting. All Executive Board meetings shall be open to any Association members.
Section 4
Quorum. A majority of the Board members shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business.
ARTICLE IX: Committees
Section 1
1.1 Standing Committees. The Standing Committees of the Association shall be a Membership Committee, a Communications Committee, a Nominating Committee, and a Program Committee. The Chairs of Standing Committees shall be responsible for appointing additional members of their respective committees, in consultation with the President. No member shall serve on more than one Standing Committee.
1.2 Membership Committee. The Treasurer shall be the Chair of this Committee. The Committee shall assist the Treasurer in the performance of the duties listed in Article V., Section 3.5; shall maintain a complete and accurate membership roster, including a list of the Executive Board; shall distribute dues notices, and shall forward to the Treasurer any dues received. The members of the Committee shall be responsible for actively seeking out individuals who are eligible for membership in the Association.
1.3 Communications Committee. The Editor of the Association newsletter shall be the Chair of this Committee. The Committee shall establish and maintain a statewide communications system via the Association newsletter; and shall be responsible for any other public relations activities of the Association.
1.4 Nominating Committee. The Immediate Past President of the Association shall be the Chair of this Committee.
1.5 Program Committee. The President of the Association shall be the Chair of this Committee. The Program Committee shall be composed of all members of the Executive Board and members of the hosting library, consortium, institution, or group. The Chair may also designate other Association members to serve on the Program Committee. The committee shall not exceed fifteen (15) members.
The duties of the Program Committee include:
designate the meeting site
plan the meeting program
make arrangements for all speakers
make local arrangements (lodging, meeting rooms, meals)
solicit exhibitors, collect payments, make arrangements for exhibits (Any individual member of the Association, and not a member of the planning group, may chose to be responsible for annual meeting exhibits. Ten percent (10%) of all exhibitor funds earned will be shared with this individual.)
obtain Continuing Education credits, as necessary, with accrediting organizations
disseminate registration forms and collect registration funds
- prepare a detailed financial report for submission to the Treasurer
Section 2
Special Committees. The President shall, with the approval of the Executive Board, appoint Special Committees for specific purposes as needed by the Association. Committee Chairs shall be designated by the President. The President may serve as an ex-officio member of any Special Committee, or may appoint another member of the Executive Board to serve in that capacity.
ARTICLE X: Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the Association may adopt.
ARTICLE XI: Amendment to Bylaws
These bylaws may be amended at any duly called meeting of the Association by a two-thirds vote of the membership present, provided that the amendment and notice of the date of the proposed vote have been submitted in writing to all members of the Association no less than thirty (30) days before the meeting at which the amendment will be considered.