Welcome to the Indiana Health Sciences Librarians Association website.
Please see the links below for navigation.
Helpful Resources
Below are some websites members would like to share. If you have a resource you think is helpful and would like to share please use the comment form and let us know!
INSPIRE Databases
Access the Indiana Virtual Library.​​
Have a specific database you're looking for? Check the list to see if it's available.
Access a variety of databases in the health and medicine subjects.
Journal Lists (EBSCOhost)
Alt Health Watch
Biomedical Reference Collection
Health Business FullTEXT
HealthSource Consumer Edition
HealthSource Nursing
Medline with Full Text
Journal Lists (GALE)
Health & Wellness Resource Center
Health Reference Center Academic
Nursing and Allied Health Collection
Additional Resources
Find medical and health resources from the government and other organizations using this LibGuide created by Elaine Skopelja.
Find health stats quick using this LibGuide created by Elaine Skopelja
Help your students and residents find information on mobile resources on a variety of medical topics and subjects with this LibGuide created by Jennifer Herron.